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Wednesday 28 July 2010

New Naked Angelina Jolie Photos

Star magazine has published a set(8 photos) of shocking, undress, wild photos of Angelina Jolie in various states from a wild photo shoot in 1999 in their new issue. It claim that "tear Brad and Angie apart." Along with the pictures, the magazine also has many lurid tales of Angelina’s wild past of drugs, sex and psych wards.

The photos photos come from Angelina : An Unauthorized Biography, Andrew Morton's new book , and apparently show Angelia with tape on her nipples and a dog leash around her neck.

"The photograph are a startling reminder to Angelina of a period in her life I am sure she wants to forget , a shady piece of her history that she's kept hidden away , even from Brad" Morton said in the cover story.


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